Sunday, 29 September 2013

Take care of yourself: Make the right choice

I was wasn't planning on writing another post so soon, but I just could't let this wait for longer. The reason I'm posting this is because as I was visiting one of my aunts at the hospital, I asked myself: "how many people in this world today are a 100% sure about their health status?". This really worries me because I lost my grand-father a month ago due to the fact that he went to the hospital late, my eldest aunt cannot live ten minutes without her oxygen pump, my third eldest aunt is in hospital right now due to cancer and brain tumour and my mother lost her half sister to cancer two weeks ago. This really gets me worried.

What I'm trying to prove is that most of us, if not all of us visit our GP's only when we catch flu or experience something EXTREMELY unusual with your body. Its not that we can't afford medical attention, there are many medical centres that are free to the consumer's, but yet we don't utilise them to our benefit.

Its not only that, but the fact that we live recklessly. We do not care up until that very last moment when your on the edge of life. Our lifestyles are dangerous to our own bodies, forgetting that if our bodies fail us, that very lifestyle will have to stop. Why can't we take care of ourselves? Why do we only connect immensely with our spiritual beings when there's split seconds left for us to die? Why are we so careless?

Life is made up of choices. The longer you want to live, the smarter your choices need to be. The happier you want to live, the better your choices need to be. You are what you are because you chose to be that. Choices go together with actions. If your lazy, your going to make choices that compliment your laziness, then the worse your life becomes. Make healthy choices, choices that not only benefit you today, but for a longer period of time.

The number of health related deaths is shocking. Most of these death caused mainly by a person's choice to be ignorant. Why can't we take care of our health just as we take care of our image/status, our relationships/sex life,  our assets? Can we please just go for regular check-ups, for yourself, for
your health. Let us pro-long our lives so that we can make ourselves and dependants/acquaintances happy.

The reason why life is too short is because your choices were not aimed at making it long. Let us take care of our health, prevention is better than cure. Know your health status and live life cautiously.

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